

Smart DevOps on the Mainframe:
Request and create workload objects like JCL and jobstreams – easy and automated

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Almost every day new, or modified, workload objects are transferred from Test to Production systems. These objects include JCL, procedures, parmlib (or control card members) and scheduling objects (e.g. IWS), etc. For these “handover” objects, every organization has it’s own rules and standards. The objects must be modified, verified and adapted for the requirements of each target system. Further, statutory provisions may require complete traceability and auditing as these objects are migrated to Production. The technical environments can be diverse. Ranging from simple “Test to Production” systems on a single CPU, to complex “multiple environments” with separate infrastructures designed for parallel usages by hundreds of clients.

ProcessManager (ProcMan) is taking a step in that direction. Objects are created, converted, transferred and audited— all automated.
The advantage is obvious because the manual effort is reduced significantly. Further, the JCL, and IWS, objects are versioned and archived in a database thus allowing for robust cross-referencing, complete reporting.




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